02- 4577 5863
Shop 3a/211 Windsor Road, Mcgraths Hill 2756
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Large Succulent Garden
$ 120.00
A wonderful selection of many different varieties of succulents, all carefully arranged in a large wooden box (26cm square). These hardy plants will thrive outdoors in the full sun.
Magestic Lucky Bamboo
$ 355.00
The most grandest Lucky Bamboo plant that you will ever see! This beautiful design has 32 x 1 metre tall plants entwined and cleverly twisted together.Stands at 1 metre high.
Multi Spike Phaleonopsis Orchid Plant
$ 195.00
A beautiful long lasting gift that is sure to impress. Keep in moderately bright spot, only water when plant begins to dry out, usually every 7 to 10 days. Fertilizing with a fertilizer made for orchids. Repotting when the bloom is finished with fresh orchid mix.
White Phalay Orchid Plant 2 Spikes
$ 95.00
There's not many gifts that are more exquisite than a Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant. This gift presentation is stylish, charming and always appreciated.